Jon O'Neal

Healy, at least so far, hasn't encouraged anyone to cut their face off and feed it to dogs.

That's how I read it, too. I felt bad for the actor portraying Dixon because I doubt he had any idea how to handle that material.

You also have to consider that the guards at Litchfield have always been shitty guards. It's just that the show has always had this running theme of "the guards are awful people" to the point where it was kind of driven into the ground in season 3 where they get a new crop of incompetent, criminal guards that make you

Yeah, I loved season 4 and it won it back after how lukewarm I felt about season 3 but your take is exactly how I felt. You have all these characters making jokes they wouldn't be making in season 1 so they can, as you said, spit out whatever was read in the Slate comment section.

I felt like when the writers initially broke this season's story they felt like they needed to overcompensate with how monstrous the rest of the guards were knowing that having Bailey accidentally kill Poussey was going draw a lot of ire.

I said in a post in an earlier season that one of the best aspects of OINTB is it's moral ambiguity in regards to many of it's characters so it was pretty disheartening to see that almost every single new guard hired was an unparalleled monster to the point that Coates of all people had to remind one of them to treat

I didn't know the writer's room was entirely white until reading this review which elicited a bemused laugh from me. But really, it's not that surprising when you think about it. Often the writers will speak through the characters in this hamfisted way where they sound like white people doing commentary about social

This is a sidenote but I disliked Larry just like nearly every other viewer of the show but the internet response to that character was so bizarre that it was deeply satisfying that he was both able to exit the show (seemingly for good) and do so in a way that was as close to a happy ending any character in this show

Considering Luschek had a drug-fueled three way with inmates then he's a rapist just like Bennett was.

That whole scene was so over the top. I don't know if they needed to hire a better actor or what but Dixon so casually described horrific atrocities that I was confused as to if the scene was trying to be darkly comedic.

Does Penn want justice and what would that entail? Maybe I'm reading it wrong but if Coates got charged for rape then, at least from her interactions with Coates, she would be upset. And although that reaction would make sense considering the way she's been acting in this season, I imagine that scenario going over

They're really upping how monstrous the guards are each season to the point where I think if they keep this pace up the guards will be building gas chambers in season 7. I originally thought it was a little unrealistic in how Snidely Whiplash-evil some of these guys were but that Mother Jones article about the

I can't imagine a proper live action Berserk ever being made because it would need something like a Lord of the Rings budget with a hard, hard R rating. You could probably do something like the Golden Age arc as a series, what with the medieval political intrigue and all, but eventually the series becomes one man

PFT will actually be on an episode of Great Minds this season so you won't have to wait too long. I hope he plays Mark Twain.

I love IPAs, have for years, and I'll be happy when the IPA trend dies off just so I'll stop getting shit about my beer preferences. However, it's absolutely been wonderful having a wide variety of IPAs to choose from at essentially any bar, restaurant, or grocery store that sells craft beer.