Father Time

Looking forward to the spinoff series where Henry and Paige run the travel agency and then eventually sell it off to Travelocity.

I refuse to believe that an acronym became the name of any sandwich that would have me as a member.

Was it also Lewan as in “Lou-in”, or “Lev-in”?

I though the restaurant setting was a surefire setup for a “I’ll have what she’s having” moment.

Larry: Are you expecting somebody?

Magnets…. always with magnets, Skinner.

Justin and Ivanka have a lot in common - they are both good looking and are only in their current positions because of their fathers.

something inside me cringes when I read comments sections that have a laugh track.

He was just "experimenting" with them…back in college. But who didn't?

He was a good man; a fine man; the best!

Probably because he only served one (partial) term, compared to Reagan's two terms.

I wonder if you can get discounted tickets at Costco?

Looking forward to the American remake of this

Rossum and Macy should be compensated on the basis of how much nudity they are forced to do, and accordingly Macy should be paid far less.

Did you beat him up because you hated him, or because you secretly carried a crush for him?

Anderson is great, but in my mind he is second to the Costco and Arby's product placements.

Unless it has to do with lap band stomach surgery - that stuff is always funny.

Sorry to make your week even worse, but Grizzly Adams just died too.