
Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

Honestly it just depends on the genre you’re watching.
Creative talent is there and some gems get released on a yearly basis. It’s just there’s a higher percentage of trashy anime out there. You usually look to specific studios like Mad House for quality works anyway rather than just blindly hope good anime comes out

Now playing

Go rewatch “Mad Love”. Harley captures Batman and has him at her mercy, Joker shows up because she’s not doing things right, and then throws her off like a 3 story window, leaving her battered on the street and her last words after falls are “My fault. I didn’t get the joke.” Cut forward to the last scene where she

Yeah just selling his cat was a messed up thing to do, but I was shocked at how casually he mentioned his stupidly-racist opinion that apparently a family is willing to pay the price of the PS3 just for the privilege of using cat... which would ultimately give them less meat than a decent sized chicken you could

I’m trying to see how Christians systematically suffer because of this headline. Still trying...

Bro. Bro. Bro. Slow tf down. To talk about your points A) You’re racist and islamophobic, the Charlie Hebdo shooting was done by an extreme splinter group who the majority of Islamic people do not agree with. Though if you want to hold extreme splinter groups up as the face of whole religions you might want to talk

There’s also no way they’d pay 200 to acquire a cat to cook. Much easier and cheaper ways to get much more meat.

This, this and more this.

I’ve got to pay closer attention. I keep missing these opportunities to share and I’ve got such great stories.

We’re going to keep being video game personalities. The industry is trending this way — look at Jim Sterling. We’re not the first (and we won’d be the last) to go indie like this. Publishers/Devs get what we are the audience we have. That’s why I was invited to play Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain this week.

We use Patreon as a subscription service. All of our main content is free, but if you want it early or exclusive access to us, you use Patreon. A F2P game might lock you out after an hour of playing, and that’s messed up as that’s the whole reason you play the game. Our content is all there for you; the paywall is

I can’t believe that asshole would even imply a Chinese takeaway would pay £200 for a cat to sell as food in their restaurant. How much meat does he think they could get off a cat???

Nintendo’s stock has been tumbling since investors stopped thinking the Wii was the greatest thing to ever happen. It has nothing to do with the minority of consumers (of which I am one) who care about whether or not they can play DQ7.

I’m pretty sure most of the bad publicity existed for Nintendo during the time frame you reference was due to the lukewarm launches of the 3DS and Wii U, during a time they were spurning hardcore gamers, still trying to go towards “casual gaming” while the mobile gaming market was beginning to dominate in that

Apple is not a system or a console or whatever gaming device. It’s philosophies are based on computers that aren’t region locked. The 360 WAS and STILL IS region locked. The shift to blu-ray is the entire reason why region-locking was put away with on PS3 and Xbox One. There is actual encryption methods on blu-ray

Apple isn’t even a dedicated gaming company... And that’s why the companies you’ve listed have region-free consoles. The PS4 and Xbox One aren’t even dedicated gaming devices anymore. They’re more of entertainment hubs now and both Sony and MS are pushing that hard, more than Nintendo.

Being region free has very little actual impact beyond it just being something that the hard-core gamer audience is interested in, and even then it is the REALLY hardcore that bother even use the capability due to the whole “The huge majority of users do not speak the language of games made other than their native

Apples and Oranges. Don’t pretend like this is a problem that the average gamer will experience. Breaking an NDA is grounds for legal action. Bricking a console is peanuts compared to what could happen to them.