
I agree with you, and that's where I get upset with publishers and not developers. If the publishers had given the developers enough time to get the bugs straightened out, there wouldn't be the issues. Game developers know what the hell they're doing. They know how long it will theoretically take to make something

Video Games' Blackness Problem

Video games have a blackness problem. This has been a known thing for a while, and we do talk about it from time to

It's the artist's art style, his characters have always look a bit off:

Monolith Soft admitted that they're better off now they're a Nintendo studio. They never were abled to make a complete game before then either because of budget cuts and deadlines from Square or Namco. People should be grateful they're under Nintendos wing because they're letting them do what they want.

I can do without these sorta Buzzfeed-y articles too.

The Xenosaga series was a bloated mess: it took it three games to finally get a descent gameplay, and by this point, it wasn't commercially salvageable anymore. Nintendo was the only company whose executives were unhinged enough to take such a gamble on Takahashi, so frankly, if you want to blame someone, blame all

You know what frustrates me? When people get mad at Nintendo for saving their favorite series or studio— you know, just like with Bayonetta. You need to stop getting all sex-hard about graphics, one of your favorite video game series hasn't fallen by the wayside like so many before it!

The "best" adult handheld is the handheld that has the best games (that aren't ports, imho) which makes the 3DS the best. I'm not sure what you mean by "adult" handheld, though. More mature games (which kids play)? Or better graphics? What's your signifier for "adult"? Or are you just one of those people that thinks

Right, because the Vita is powerful enough to run games at a stable framerate AND native 544p resolution.

Oh wait, it doesn't. Most Vita games don't run at native resolution at all, and have tons of framerate problems.

Meanwhile, 9.9/10 3DS games all run at native resolution, and most have a stable framerate with a few

Yes right: how dare a studio entirely owned by Nintendo publish games on a Nintendo platform

Anonymous tips exist for a pretty obvious reason - anonymity. The only time an anonymous caller is back tracked is when it's something like this. The police don't have the luxury of taking the time to make sure every single tip is legitimate. When a hostage situation is called in, protocol is to respond immediately.

Which provides tension throughout the entire experience, lending itself to the gameplay loop of using too much power just to make sure you're safe and don't get one of those jump scares.

The only reason you're not seeing a lot of Rule 34 is because the games you play just aren't that famous. Pure and simple. And even then, you just said that they also have Rule 34.

That's a lot of vitriol... You realize this had nothing to do with furries and actually took a page from reality, in that animatronics are terrifying as f@#$ and nearly all of them are based on animal mascots to begin with? This had nothing to do with "capitalizing on smut," and thanks to Rule 34, you can basically

Correction: mobiles are not a good platform for some types of games. Platformers and shooters are probably pretty problematic, but titles like Ghost Trick, Ace Attorney and (I suspect) The World Ends with You are perfectly serviceable on smartphones.

I'll just be the fifth person to tell you: Fair use. You're doing it wrong.

All of the points you have made are true. However I feel like all of their issues except for the constant tweeking of their devices (wich is completely true) are about not accomodating with the industry's standards today rather than anything else

Games are interactive experiences.

it seems more of a facepalm on how they don't really have a clue what to do with the new gaming world rather than outright hate.