the ps3 is my definitely my favorite. from the orchestral tuning/opening to the flowing strip in the background, everything just fits.
the ps3 is my definitely my favorite. from the orchestral tuning/opening to the flowing strip in the background, everything just fits.
AdBlock. I didnt even know there were ads on Kotaku.
Maybe she's not trying to be attractive?
Women don't have to dress up for you, they don't need to be sexy and/or cute. Gaga expresses herself through the aesthetics of her costumes, and sometimes she just thinks a giant piece of glass on her head looks cool. Either way it's okay, but people aren't used to women…
The fact that it happens at all is newsworthy, and should be reported on to make every single person feel sick about the US's fucked up obsession with stuff and consumerism in general.
That wasn't mentioned by Kojima. Game development takes a long time, developers don't just decide to release a game when a console hits a particular sales milestone. Development work has already started before the PS4 or XBoxOne were close to launch. By development, we're not only talking about getting the game to…
No, it isn't. If it is, why the hell does Netflix have a profile system? For family? Yeah, because being blood-related tooootally makes all the difference between being a free man and receiving jail time.
The PS4 is only a game console and can only be recommended to nerds who only want to play video games
DO: Convince them to wait until next year. All fanboy-ism aside, I bought the PS4 and it was a mistake. I haven't had any problems with it at all, but aside from Resogun and Battlefield 4, the games are abysmal at best and in some cases only create buyers remorse. The slight improvement between generations isn't…
DAMN IT WOMAN! Get back in the Kitchen and get me an Xbox!
The Dreamcast died because Sega fucked up 4 times in a row and they were pretty much fucked since the saturn.
I don't know that it's a landslide, but if I went through this same list, I'd probably give more "edges" to Wii-U. Did they even mention price? I didn't see it. It's simple for me.
Whoever expected this doesn't understand today's technology. Nobody owns a 4k TV set and the power to run 4k games would have put consoles easily beyond the $1,000 mark.
Seriously how long is this shit going to drag on. You have no new material? As I sit here and play forza at 1080p 60fps. I dont plan on having a 4K display within this generation, as most households will not.
My recommendations, since I own a lot of Wii U games, half the library that exists...
Man, I can't wait until the day when I can walk outside of Palette Town and be challenged to a duel by a guy with six level 100 Mewtwos!
Bayonetta 2