Jon Lohr

From what I’ve heard, he wants what he bought them for. You know, when they actually were running vehicles

He 100% ruined those cars. Now that people aren’t willing to pay the same amount that he bought them for years ago when they actually were worth something, he is having a tantrum and destroying them to stick it to the “lowballers.”

Yet they allowed this one...

Is it too late to talk about the Honda meet I went to where a guy of highschool age was hiding NOS under baby seat?

Then dont buy one. I dont own a semi truck because it is not convenient for my needs. Same idea.

“conceived by the writers of 2 Fast 2 Furious”

the stopped traffic on 94 going into ann arbor every morning always puzzles me as why someone would want that commute

Check mate movie execs

Holy Click Bait, Batman! Thats it? 1 sentence?

Lexus was advertising the LFA on their website as recently as last summer. (that was the last time I checked) and are still heavily relying on the LFA in their commercials

l would counter with Lexus’ heavy handed used of the LFA in ads they are currently running.

My user icon is relevant!

I have no idea who this Stephen gentleman is, or why he is getting so much hate in the comments, but based on this I thought he was making reasonable points given the company he was in.

Im pretty sure thats actually where she ended up.

I went to a huge dealer in the seattle area looking for a Fiesta SFE for my mom. They claimed they only had one Fiesta on the entire lot, not one Fiesta SFE, one Fiesta... but they had 5 of the TONKA F-150s. They then proceeded to do high pressure sales trying to get my mom to splurge on the Focus.

A friend of mine driving a debadged del sol had a guy ask him if it was “a new BMW”

Then the free market will come up with a cheaper scrubber. Necessity is the source of invention. If those coal plants are forced to clean up they never will, and those scrubbers will never be invested in.

I’ve never understood this arguement, want know why? Lets use a coal plant as an example, they are told to clean up their emissions, probably by installing a scrubber system in the exhaust. Well someone has to design and build that scrubber (jobs created) someone has to install those scrubbers (jobs created) and

That’s just what a pest management company would say...

Just stick to Many a True Nerd. He is a trained classicist and in games like Rome Total War will talk about the actual history the game is portratying