Jon Lohr

Im guessing that wrench was a murder weapon.

Boy! That escalated quickly.

I want see him getting of the truck, feel like that would be harder

I used to work with a guy who had a VTEC sticker on a Chevy pickup,

My first and still favorite movie I ever owned. Have been watching this for as long as I can remember.

Had my Evo hit 10 days after buying, was trying to have one of the cleanest stock Evos around.


Watch On Any Sunday, in my opinion the best motorcycle documentary about motorcycle racing culture. They have a little bit about this.

I dont know about keeping the mileage down, it is so nice to drive that I've been using it every chance I get.

The Xs are new enough where they just haven't had time to be modified yet, I'm thinking of keeping mine stock as an investment.

I just bought a stock evo x last week, it was quite a search

I just got a stock Evo X last week. It was quite a search though.

I just got a stock Evo X last week. It was quite a search though.

When i clicked on the article, this is what I expected to see.

HA! you said "key"

Because no one would ever by that car, ever.

Is it just me or does the XL1 look an awful lot like a modernized EV1?g