
Also, quite simply, if you want female roles to be uglier (why you would WANT that is beyond me but ok), you need to convince Disney to write in more villains and throaway characters that are women first. Because, as alluded to by other posts, the character diversity comes from the role they play, and women always

The answer is simple: it's more socially acceptable to be an ugly male than it is to be an ugly female. Is this really a surprise to the author? Did she just wake up from a 5000 year long coma and come to this realization? Is it a bad thing? Maybe, maybe not, but we're definitely at a new level of feminism if the

And we're worse off for this decision. Zenimax is why ESO is crap. If Bethesda owned this, it probably would have been a wildly different game. Instead they just outsourced it to a company that tried to hobble together a bunch of MMOs with a bunch of Skyrim textures slapped on.

If you find MMOs unappealing why are you reading this? Believe it or not, some people like MMOs. ES makes for a perfect MMO game (in theory) because it's an open world sandbox. GTA would be the same way. In practice, both of those online games were completely botched— but it didn't have to happen that way.