Allen Fleury

Thats why you should delete your Facebook account and NEVER go back.

god we are so fucked

How about banning brodozer lifts in general? And slamming too. And all the rest of the homebrew idiocy you see on the roads.

Just impound crush the cars and be done with it.

Just impound the cars and be done with it.

Consider the source:

It looks like a dog dragging its ass across the carpet.

Meanwhile in North America...

Right. So the solution is to fence those poor chlidren in. How about a guard tower to make sure they don’t escape?

You could tell me that was a Lincoln and I’d believe it.

Oh Lord have mercy not using up all the public street parking:faints:

Glad you moved.  None of that happens in single family homes.  


Burned Duped Audience Club

Imagine going blind and having the last thing you saw be a wall of monkey jpegs.

She was a Boimler! Now we see why she took Bradward under her wing. 

No props here for the ST2 nebula battle homage? They even did the expanding rings after detonation...

I f’ing love this show.