Allen Fleury

Beer is cheaper. Musk just made a quick $3 million from his stupid stans.

Don’t most e-bikes average t least 20 miles on a charge? Let’s say 10 to be conservative. Are you saying you were only able to recharge the battery 30 times before it crapped out?? Even if it were 5 miles per charge that’s terrible.

I don’t know why the recharging cycles of an e-bike would differ so much for any other lithium ion battery unless they just got some super cheap crap bikes with batteries to boot.

Mine did... they painted a white line of the side of the road and call it a “bike lane”... on some roads.

I live in a riverside city wit ha lot of steep hills, so huffing and puffing up those hills to work really isn’t an option without at least a little assist. 

I really wish my city had the infrastructure to allow me to SAFELY go to work and other places by bike rather than car.

Hit wit ha car, or with the bullets they had to dig out of the body before anyone else saw it?

It’s pretty clear they had hoped to bury the evidence with the body, and never expected the mother to be so tenacious in trying to get some info from the cops, or that a “new guy” who wasn’t told how to answer her requests accidentally told the truth.

had to dig out the bullets


dig out the bullets put there by the cops.

Like the bullets they shot him with?

Wouldn’t be surprised at all! Gotta do that before anyone notices odd holes in the body where bullets were hastily dug out!

I’d check to see if it looks like any bullets had been hastily dug out of the body!

Thought he was Too Fast Too Furious, but found out he’s just Too Dumb To Live.

Thought he was Too Fast Too Furious, but found out he’s just Too Dumb To Live.

Thought he was Too Fast Too Furious, but found out he’s just Too Dumb To Live.

The mental gymnastics people go through to love/hate something or someone is incredible. You have to assume that at least 50% of the population hate Musk and what he’s done with Xitter, but has Xitter traffic and users gone down 50%? Not even close! I think it’s only in the neighborhood of 15-20% at most. 

Xitter is a drug and everyone seems to be addicted. I would bet at least 50-75% of the people that complain about him on this site still use it and have some backwards rationale for doing it.

Well God is white, of course, and Jesus was God’s son... so obviously he was white!