
None of this makes sense. The police arrive and see that a person was shot and a gun was found yet no assault charges were filed? Megan didn’t say, “tory shot me” to the police, but instead post a cryptic message on social media about being shot. What a bizarre situation.


I agree it seems wrong. One X should be the base and go up from there. 

One X has a reason to exist, it just isn’t a justifiable one with a new console on the way. One X is a phenomenal experience on a 4k TV and a great value at $299.99.  With the rumors of Lockhart being a 1080p device it seems wrong to only offer a 4k Xbox experience with the series X.

His son’s girlfriend tested positive for COVID and they probably had multiple aerosolized close quartered conversations. So, like most assholes, he probably didn’t consider wearing a mask until it affected him personally.

How does that compare to supporting convicted rapist and pedophiles?

I’m getting into Saweetie. Meg is cool but doesn’t do much for me. I mostly fall back on Kim, Trina, and Missy when I need to catch a vibe. There are A LOT of new girls though. Sometimes you have to search for playlist to discover new acts. Feeling Myself on Spotify is a good start.

I just watched The Decline on Netflix which isnt horror per se but is fairly suspenseful and has so gruesome booby trap kills. There’s also this protagonist switch mid film that was just brilliant. 

Cooper is operating from a place of ivy league privilege and safety. Shame on him. Amy Cooper has lost nothing because she still is holding on to her most precious asset, her white skin. She could go tot Fox News tomorrow and they would embrace her with open arms. How many black men and women have entered the criminal

Good ole Farrakhan. The Mr. Burns of black men. 

Looks like the film was shot in Australia. I don’t see a statute of limitations for rape. She was 16 which is the age of consent, but if the sex was not consensual, she has an entire media campaign to back up her allegations.

My dyslexia kicked in and I read Twitter instead of Twitch. I thought Dorsey grew a spine. But yay! I predict all the major social networks will banish him into the void before the election. 

No worries I had to look it up myself. Your point still stands. black women are still underrepresented in the MCU. Look at the how they treated Danai Gurira in Endgame.

Yea I don’t think he is asking for what he thinks he’s asking for. Picking the best person is subjective. Choosing to tell black stories by black creatives isn’t.

Are you saying that Zoe Saldana isn’t black?


My mood is very fuck these rapper panels and charities challenges, just pay more taxes.

I’m getting Zimmerman overcharged tea. That felony murder charge is a stretch. I can really see him walking or getting a short sentence for this. 

If you read up on the back compat program they engineers and testers actually play through each and every game that is a released before it is available to the public.

Finally JUSTICE! I’m sure he’ll get the (boys will be boys) book thrown at him.