
That’s a perfectly fine list. The questions wasn’t the BEST RAPPERS DEAD OR ALIVE but his personal favorites which I’m sure changes and evolves overtime. At least he put a woman in there which is more than I can say for A LOT of people who have been asked the same question. 

Now that’s some nigga shit. 

I don’t understand the confusion. This is a Unreal Engine it has to run on multiple platforms including the only other mass market next generation console coming out in 2020. This demo is MARKETING SYNERGY between Epic and Sony. All I see is marketing bullshit wrapped up in a beautiful effective package.

Have you ever seen a Tyler Perry production? Two weeks is more than enough time for a full season for one of his shows.

Weren’t the mid-generation console refreshes supposed to “blur the generational lines”? It’s hard to claim that this is a true generation leap when both parties initially released underpowered consoles and needed to compensate by pumping out a supercharged version. It’s impossible to market these consoles as a

This is the most realistic nuanced friendship breakdown I have ever seen on television. From the impact of social media to the micro aggressions. It’s spot on. With that said #TeamMolly

I am loving the game diversity. It reminds me of the 360 days. As an One X owner the leap isn’t that visually impressive but I do think this generation will be about how the game feels instead.

Agreed this is a different time but back in the day a shitty game was released and that was that. I’d prefer to live with the evils of patches if it means that eventually a bad game will become a good game. 

Agreed I’d like to see a futuristic AC but first I would like to see a couple of entries set in Africa or pre-colonial America. 

Sonic Generations is a great modern take on the adventures formula.

Being able to watch all at once on D+ is enlightening. You can really see the struggle to remain relevant in a post-South Park/Family Guy world. The balance to be wholesome and mature at the same time failed the show during it’s teen seasons. However, overall, the show is still funny. The show is only unfunny when it

Gross. What’s the point of standing on the sidelines and then just endorsing the candidate the public already chose? This is a repeat of 2016 only far less interesting, everyone is older, and America is more fucked. 

I find the emerald color of his eyes surround by fleshy pink skin flushed with the orange hue of his face quite beautiful. 


A ladies man? I hold Kyle as a gay-icon.

I don’t see it for her at this time honestly. Shit, I don’t even see it for Joe. This year is going to be a shit show at the polls and that seems like a perfect storm for an incumbent president. 


Yea this article missing something...

This is great! I just wished we lived in a society that guarantees sick leave and paid time off instead on relying on the wealthy for charity.