
Similar experience with someone I met on Starcraft 2. Turns out he was completely into the Gamergate conspiracy. I tried to look past it for the person he was, but at some point I just couldn’t anymore. Bits of his beliefs crept into everyday conversation, and I realized I just wasn’t as tolerant as I thought I was.

Did you not notice the other Chinese players who were pissed off at the cheater? Did you not notice that the people agreeing with the one who slapped the cheater were all also Chinese? Jebus, dude— Way to scapegoat an entire ethnicity.

My guess is that the Zombie Fire Dragon will be using Dragonfire to bring down the Wall. What else could inspire a greater sense of dread than an unstoppable wight army that no longer has to freeze the sea in order to bypass humanity’s defenses?

Came here to post that. Not enough +1's, sir!

From Julie of the Wolves, somewhere around elementary school: You can make a broth from bones and meat. Comes in handy when you make your own chicken broth or from left over BBQ.

For 2-5, all my Chinese American (including myself) have said those phrases at one point or another. I cannot vouch for 1, because I have never heard my black friends say it.

I can say with some certainty that I have -never- heard anyone except black people say “DOMINO MUTHAF*CKA!” when playing Dominoes.

Obscure reference: Yippee Kay Yay, Brother Trucker!

This dad truly deserves a “Best Dad EVER” mug! Holy cow, that’s really impressive!

Well, depending on how much time they have, having an arsenal of such weapons studded around the city could prove formidable. I mean, look at the crossbow— a single crossbow against a regiment of men on horseback doesn’t form much of a challenge, but a like sized force hurling a barrage of missiles is lethal. Even out

My buddies and I touched on that while we were watching the premiere. Our thought was that the sight of three dragons flying overhead and straight toward the castle would have cleared everyone out.

My take on this is that this is just a ploy to increase gun sales by the NRA. During the Obama administration, the NRA capitalized on sales by instilling the fear that the government was going to take away guns.

Following Trump’s election, gun sales have slowed, with gun owners confident that their right to arms is

I belated but very well deserved Happy Mother’s Day to you. I can tell that your children have a very monumental role model to look up to! You are fantastic.  

::Reads article title::

Internal monologue: “Please don’t be Asian. Please don’t be Asian. Please don’t be Asian...”

::Reads article, sees picture::

“Oh thank god!”

<-- is Asian and hates the stereotypes.

As far as I know, Oriental is still fine for things. The thing about it is the term carries the ideas of “exoticism”, “far away” and/or “mysterious”. For an object like a rug, I think it’s an acceptable term. In the EU, I think Oriental is still an acceptable term, though not having personal experience of being an

Coming from a D&D background, I have to remind myself that “Oriental Adventures” used to be a thing that I was totally excited over. I try not to get too worked up over people using the term, but when people get defensive about it and say that they are using the correct term (over “Asian”) I get a little miffed. When

Except when we have to deal with the folks who refer to all of us as “Orientals”.

My guess would be anyone who didn’t have the half hour’s worth of time to go about putting it back on, and they really needed to go. XD

Yep. But without reading the headline and only viewing the image, that’s the first thought that popped into my head.

My first thought: Why do they have an image of Darth Vader wthout any pants on...? 

Reminds me of my days as a professional model maker (the models you make out of museum board, plastic and wood) when we experienced tight deadlines-- all the caffeine in the world can keep you up “working,” but if your hands are shaking so much that you can’t effectively and cleanly put together a 1/8" scale model,