Don’t do that. While his neighbors were being over dramatic, don’t pretend like you don’t understand why his trailer would be objectionable.
I’d argue that either way they’re manipulating the value of their investment. It’s just that they currently happen to be manipulating it in the way that only an idiot would.
That joke was old when this car was new
It’s those deceptive ferrari lines! They’re so smooth. So seductive. You just want to rub your benz on them.
Only appropriate that on 4th of July the American once again conquers the Brit.
It would take 37.04s to cross the bridge (including the 26s used for getting up to 250mph).
Didn’t need to watch the video (or even read the headline), if he regularly posts videos to YouTube, yet still holds his phone in portrait mode when shooting video, that tells me all I need to know about him.
Oh, that’s fantastic! I really like the amount of effort that went into this (they even did the wheels!). That cupholder’s a bit too far out of the driver’s periphery, though...
Damn, I can’t remember the last time you ranted about something like this.
Last week German luxury brand Audi—noted purveyor of automobiles with the reliability of a heroin-addicted parent—rev…
Porsche 356s and AC Cobras are like boobs: real or fake, I don't care as long as I get to play with them.