
Unfortunately, there are still taxi drivers which try to get around those strict rules for metering, mainly by using the mentioned “card reader doesn’t work” tactic. Those meters strictly regulate electronic charges but not cash exchanges, so they can hustle more if they manage to persuade the passengers to pay by

Personally the biggest issue I had with taxi drivers wasn’t the conditions of their ride but the constant price shifting that occurred once I reached my destination. The “Sorry, the card reader isn’t working” BS or “Don’t worry, this route through construction is much quicker!” (lookin’ at you Vegas). For the record,

If this ever becomes a reality, it’d be interesting to see what ALL-THE-POWER translates to in terms of performance. To put it in perspective, here are some power & quarter mile times:

I first thought “What an ugly FJ” mostly because that’s a vehicle I see every day, a truck that I am all too familiar with. Only when you stop and take a moment to really compare them (and remember what the HX looked like) that you notice the Rhino XT is a poorly cloned HX rather than a FJ look-a-like.

So they took a Wrangler and gave it the proportions of an FJ40 with a couple of design details from the H3. It’s just a series of bad, bad ideas.

Yeah, the curbs in that image are unusually clear. Normally there would be drivers who’ll just try to cut ahead in front of the waiting traffic. SF is definitely better to ride in than other cities (hi LA!) but with the abundance of aggressive drivers, it’s not on the top of the list of cities I’d like to ride around

I know many of the responses for this are going to mostly be cities that either lack traffic or are visually stunning, but pleasant, relaxing drives aren’t the only way to enjoy driving thru the city. Sometimes, it’s fun to hustle thru traffic and around an ongoing series of hills and turns, and few cities in the US

You’re missing a few characters

People are upset by this? Screw that, I love that automakers are now making them obvious. Not every vehicle we drive is one we own and have the interior memorized. Fords from the 90’s in particular were horrible about this, hiding their small button on the top of the steering column where it was hidden from the

My personal gripe against E-Parking brakes isn’t the strike against the vehicle’s hoonability (though that is a bit of a downer) but more to do with the fact that it’s also referred to as the “E-Brake” or “Emergency Brake”.

Well what do you know! The last I looked into Foresters was a while ago, glad to see they’ve since expanded their options.

Nope, you can get the 5 speed manual on the lower 2 trims (non-Hybrid obviously) but getting a manual AND a sunroof is apparently just reaching too far for Subaru nowadays because you cannot get that combo in any vehicle from them anymore.

Not while this is around.

Lincoln’s problem is lacking a distinctive identity, not lacking excitement. Let them get to the point where their products can speak for themselves without Ford’s assistance and then they can start thinking about adding own “AMG” products.

Doesn’t surprise me at all how well the DB9 design is holding up considering it’s 20+ year old predecessor still has a modern shape to it.

Anytime a character driving a high performance car is being chased your run of the mill Interceptor/Tahoe/BadGuyVan and can’t get away in under 10 seconds.

Nothing is spoiled for the U.S. market.

I like it overall and the drivetrain sounds awesome, but it is impossible from these images for me to not see a Jaguar wearing Audi headlights.

That’s the sort of optimism I had when it came to the E36. I had gotten really efficient at swapping radiators and can now detect the smell of coolant far quicker than any of my friends.