Strange, I'm trying to figure out what could be wrong with it. It seems to be up his normal standards of quality to me, and sounds like a pretty faithful recreation. Care to elaborate?
Strange, I'm trying to figure out what could be wrong with it. It seems to be up his normal standards of quality to me, and sounds like a pretty faithful recreation. Care to elaborate?
If you become a patron of his he might give your request more consideration.
Yeah, seriously, wtf? If I want to see this shit I'll go to 4chan.
Well I guess this is just a matter of personal preference. I usually prefer the simplistic approach. If they tried to name it something like "Nexus", some people may like it and some people may not. I personally think "Nexus" would have been stupid. PS4 may not be cool or creative, but nobody can stay it's stupid.
Why would they have called it anything else? They're clearly just following the pattern that they've used for the past two consoles. Why change it now?
His real sentence will only begin after the grammar police get to him!
Annnnd now you're going to jail.
Yeah, I couldn't tell at first either.
"a special case." I like how you put that. Ugly people. They're just "special cases."
You can get one as a reward for a $299 pledge.
Actually, it's been experimentally demonstrated through studies both men and women typically agree on the attractiveness of both sexes. So even if comics are drawn by straight men, they still could be capable of drawing men in a way that would be sexually attractive to women.
"Sexually alluring" may not have been the best choice of words on my part. I did not mean to imply that a man's pose does not have an effect on his apparent sexual attractivness. As I said, the difference is that males typically pose to accentuate their attitude, and not necesarily a particular body part (unless doing…
I definitely agree with you. The poses that artists draw their women in are designed to accentuate the qualities that most men find attractive in women. The fact is that most women simply find different aspects of men to be attractive, hence the different poses that men are drawn in.
Depends on where you're from I guess. Plenty of fat people here in Iowa sporting wifebeaters and tatoos.
I like Ryan Gosling as much as the next heterosexual male, but sorry I just don't see it... Wrong face, wrong voice, wrong everything.
Well you need to get your hearing checked. I've played it like nine times. Tell me, does that man's face resemble the face of the man in this picture? Aside from the fact that they both have one nose, two eyes, two ears, and a mouth? And look at that bandana. It's like one third of the size. He should at least fold it…
Wow, yeah, that's pretty good.
I'm sorry, this must be a joke. This guy looks terrible. His face is completely wrong and his bandana is like a foot tall. Really this man should be ashamed of himself.