
Couldn’t agree more. Found it significantly more enjoyable the 2nd and 3rd time of viewing.

I would argue its the other way round, any suggestion that someone actually enjoyed TLJ and all hell breaks loose....but that’s irellevant as you are clearly a sexist who doesn’t like strong women in movies.

Please spare the world from more of this unsufferable drivel.

I understand a lot of folk didn’t enjoy this film, I sorry you didn’t, please move on.. Personally I thought it was pretty decent, it had lofty ambitions and ultimately failed to reach those, but to me it was still fairly decent. I am having trouble trying to understand why, as soon as someone claims the above there

Completely agree, ultimately it falls short of its lofty ambitions but it’s a solid effort. I am slightly perplexed how Marvel get away unscathed releasing awful efforts such as Thor 2 and Ultron but DC and Snyder are seen as the devil incarnate.