¿Te da pereza volver a ver las seis películas (sin contar spinoffs ni series animadas) que forman el universo Star…
¿Te da pereza volver a ver las seis películas (sin contar spinoffs ni series animadas) que forman el universo Star…
¿Arte y genialidad o una copia de una copia? Hablamos del Mashup en vídeo o música, una fórmula hoy estandarizada en…
You know, I was OK with Meek Mill’s raps about shooting as many people in the head as possible, selling as much cocaine as possible, and fucking as many bitches and hos as possible, but his transphobia has really crossed the line.
It’s the early 2000s, and I’m working at a bar across the street from the convention center where Comic-Con is held.…
If he had any sense, he would point his gun at the real threat: diabetes.
If everyone would just eat some damn bacon, both sides would be so much more laid back.
Your religious beliefs and affiliations are your choice.
Lack of bacon is what drives these conflicts. Both religions forbid the use if what must be the tastiest substance known to man.
I can't support any organization that is against bacon.
Bacon has turned many a Jew.
A little too late. I've done plenty of that. I wasn't a fan of his governorship.
I'm going to answer this post and this post with the same picture: