
You know, I was OK with Meek Mill’s raps about shooting as many people in the head as possible, selling as much cocaine as possible, and fucking as many bitches and hos as possible, but his transphobia has really crossed the line.

anyone can upload a photo

I hate to say it, but that's pretty much the big thing that has my interest piqued. The Terminator universe is all timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly anyway. Let's just have fun with it :-)

Stick an Oculus Rift on this and shit your pants.

For that price I'll take a used Waverunner, the included trailer and have a hell of a lot more fun buzzing waterbikers at 50 knots.

What Happens on ISS... STAYS on ISS..... until it all plummets back to Earth or is lost in the Vaccum of space....

He tried to get a shot of his balls, too, but he couldn't fit them in the frame.

Cool but how did they get the patient to fit in the printer?

"Peking University surgeon Liu Zhongjun, who led the project, deserves a hearty clap on the back and a tip of the (3D-printed) hat."

If he had any sense, he would point his gun at the real threat: diabetes.

See, I tried to defend you, but you actually ARE one of those weirdos. NOw I just pity you.

If everyone would just eat some damn bacon, both sides would be so much more laid back.

Me. Every time Israel vs. Palestine comes up…

I like it but can't help but think a better option would be to build or convert 140,000 houses to net zero and remove them from the grid instead of building new power plants. Paid for by low interest loans and property tax incentives which would spur small business investment in local communities in the areas of