J'onn Forsythe



Nap time then?

Watch out for the night-of-the-long-knives.

His work is puerile and under-dramatized. He lacks any sense of structure, character and the Aristotelian unities.

The A.V.Club

A pop culture Brazen Bull is just what we need.

You dominated the rest of the writing staff with your knowledge of useless AI. After this clarifying note from you I must respectfully request additional AI related inventories.

I have to go practice my stabbing.

Before you get to the part where the air is sweet.

Waitaminute! How do I get to Chilitown?

No, it's a show about the Mallory Gallery, where the Baseball Diamond is displayed.

So fast.

Walk down the hall and out the door like your pants aren't outrageously tented. You will become legend.

My city has a chain of burger places named "Dick's".


I'm impressed that they found the hot-button.

What do you thing?

I'll miss Weaving dearly, but at least they won't have the "new and improved Rhodie" problem with all of that makeup.

I'll quote the USNEWS review: "provides sufficient acceleration most of the time"