J'onn Forsythe

No,no. Use your rhyming becktionary.

Crispin Glover gets slapped in Manhattan,
For rappin', Big Ghost steps off laughin'


Please, no prettyboy Ghostbusters. Their collective schlubbiness was half the fun.

Reacting swiftly, Mayor Quimby declared "mob rule", meaning for the next several years, it's every commentor for themselves

When I was in law school I had a few minutes to watch some Dragon Ball Z in the cafe/lounge where somebody's kid had turned it on. A mostly terrible person saw me watching and gave me her most condescending "Are you seriously watching this?" I replied, "The characters in this show always try to help their friends and

First Album: Buggy Whupass

The fiery background explosion.

Counterpoint!: I've been in a kitchen in Washington State that had very low pile carpet with what may have been that exact design. However, the fact that you looked at the redfin photos means that your time-wasting will be forever superior to my vague remembering.

We've tried nothin' and we're all out of ideas!

As always, excellent username/comment synergy.

they're a little cooler than the rest of us

The Cay was brutal, but the edge was taken off by horrible Caribbean accent my fith grade teacher occasionall slipped into during discussions. It was a ruiner.

Thailand is China's Columbia, The Philipines are China's Mexico, and Indonesia is China's Brasil. China, however, is the World's China. Which isn't very fair.

This is your username/avatar/comment synergy time to shine!

When Mrs. Forsythe let me know that we would be getting a dachshund and she explained that there may be a problem with house training, I made it my personal quest to get the dog to the right spot, preemtively, every couple of hours. The strategy worked and now the little pup recognises her rare excratory mistakes as

You should have asked him to to tell you to "keep your hands and feet inside the car and get ready for the wildest ride in the wilderness!"

Upvoted for Wild One

This prompted me to youtube the Mass Appeal video. 94' realness.

"What's New Pussycat" is also applicable.