J'onn Forsythe

O'Reilly was refering to a bamboo cage match with an insurance panda. They're pretty vicious for an endangered species.

E.Buzz Miller or Irwin Mainway?

There was a fight at the end? I left the room 2 seconds after the INT. Don't believe anyone who talks about a team "blowing it." That isn't a valid concept in sports. You work hard until the clock hits zero then you check the score. Nothing was a certainty and any number of alternate realities could have sprung from

Has anyone heard from YOLO Swaggins in the last couple of weeks? I'm worried.

Thank you.
Thank you.

After my team lost, I decided that I should scale back the liquid depressants for a couple of weeks. Monday I got off work and started thinking that a single, tall cold beer sounded great. Tuesday I got home with pizza for dinner and thought that I was crazy for not having a bottle of red with it. Now I'm sitting at

When I heard about this on the radio I wondered if this would play into your potential relocation. Didn't the UW play into your plans?

A well executed Public Hurl is not easy. Good job.

Those sound like some big bites to chew. I'm 1/3 of the way through Thomas Cahill's Heretics and Heroes and I might hang it up, even though I like the Renaissance. I enjoy history via extended anecdote, but his framing devices and authorial voice are oppressive (like watching a TV show about sharks and having 80% of

Big red flag there.

Throatwarbler Mangrove

Don't crystal skull this! Just don't.

They angry up the blood!

We can divide it up into a bunch of nimble bindles

Nolte's revenge.

What show works out your 'wistful longing stare'?

It's like Sasso ate Mark Addy and grew incredibly powerful!

If some many people eat it.


I've espouse the idea that, throughout the existence of our species, having an awsome uncle who happened to be a "confirmed bachelor" has been a competative advantage for breeding individuals, despite the countervailing social forces aligned against said uncles.