J'onn Forsythe

Funky Moon Base?

Its the voice. Classic.

If I could meet the neolithic man who first married cheese to flat bread, I would give him an uncomfortably long hug. Get well.

We're whalers on the moon,
We carry a harpoon.
But there ain't no whales
So we tell tall tales
And sing our whaling tune.

For the people involved that must be more stressful than a laser tracking slowly towards their nuts.

Coordinators with inflexible schemes that are dependent on precise player attributes plague the NFL generally. Juggling injuries, salaries, and draft positions doesn't allow for lining up toy soldiers in neat little rows. Top down decision making from egotistical owners to managers to coaches create an atmosphere

I don't know how the Cardinals do it. I haven't known all season. Arians just patched it together two weeks in a row against two teams that beat the Seahawks this season.

Seahawks playing on the East Coast = Vaporized weed, 1 gallon of Coffee, big box of assorted Pastries.

Getting rid of Cutler would be a great start. I heard some chatter this week about how his personality, resignation mixed with disinterest, is like a solvent that corrodes team unity.

This is the general misconception. A positive attitude isn't the starting point, its the destination, the natural outgrowth, of the process of competition. Every competitive moment, every time you have an opposing player or team across from you, is an opportunity to better learn how to win. If you don't win in a

Go Hawks. That said, the Cards just win. If they can do it against the Rams (who love to beat the Seahawks and play them again to finish the season) with Stanton at the wheel, why wouldn't they have a shot against the Hawks playing in Arizona? The national media doesn't understand that teams in this division don't

I've faced this situation before. The real problem is that you'll want two different options to account for two possible outcomes of the game. I usually go with yard work if my team loses, because picking up dog shit and raking leaves while grumbling and stumbling is like steering into a skid. If they win I suggest

Go Hawks. That said, considering the history between the two teams, that set of circumstances would verge on poetic.

What's Starla doing tonight?

now I'm sad

The thought was that Tai Lung was probably going to destroy the Valley regardless.

This is big step for you towards going pro.

He gives me a Vonnegut vibe that way.

Hollywood Upstairs Medical College

I have the odd feeling that they were calculating a certain amount of surface level familiarity in their younger target viewers with that one.