J'onn Forsythe

Let them know that you are willing to sacrifice for the relationship.

When he was a child he would try to hit raindrops with a bat as they fell.

Josh Saviano

A friend of mine teaches English at a high-school in a medium sized slightly rural city. An unassuming young lady in his 2nd period class turned back in her book marked "Da Realest Count Chocula." It made his day.

They are in the process of moving. Much of the child's drama springs from her anxiety over the new situation.
Boxes in the background.

My first 'upvote for horribleness' of the holiday season!

Nailed it.

So now they can start building my Thanos hoverchair.

Does she ever make a Malibu Barbie reference when you fuck up?

I would take the opposite tack and punch paparazzi if they looked at her wrong.

But how did the lamb turn out?


I invoke the ancient law:

Oh SNAP! You got suped.

Nobody noticed anything ever

The perfection of their mistakes is the best argument for a hoax.

Got a buck I could borrow?

Needs more BRACES.


Her old nose would have been much better casting.