
You are being somewhat disingenuine. It appears he was being asked questions. If he “remained silent” then that would have just been bizarre and very likely reported as part of the interview. If he would have said “no comment” then that would have also been reported.

1. “But we know that false rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment accusations are extremely rare.” please show me proof of this

If someone says “I stand behind someone accused of sexual assault”, I think the default interpretation is “I don’t think they did it”, not “I think they did it, but sexual assault is cool so who cares”.

Heres a hot take: standing behind a friend/colleague and offering support and a listening ear =/= endorsing sexual harrasment

There isn’t a definitive one, but it’s moronic to pretend that nobody ever makes claims like “this work of art is generally considered good” and that critical acclaim doesn’t factor significantly into that. In any case Kanye’s work has been groundbreaking and massively influential in both hip hop and pop music more

I know being needlessly contrarian gives people a little thrill, but every one of his albums has gone platinum and been critical favorites. And I don’t even like him that much.

Didn’t they show him as an actual child during one episode, and the joke was that Princess Carolyn thought that Vincent had a secret son/ family?

I think Pinkerton by Weezer get the award for best album for people too nervous to ever be in a relationship in the first place.

I’ll forever be surprised that Michael B. Jordan was Wallace in The Wire.

I loves me some Florence, and I agree with you. Nonetheless, I cannot bring myself to dislike TayTay’s “Shake It Off.” It’s catchy, infectious, and fun, which is what Pop needs to be.

Waiting on smug superiority post from Recognitions in 3,2,1...

 What the fuck? So he can’t judge superhero movies because a black one is coming out? That’s the dumbest shit I’ve read or heard all month. And I watched the State of the Union.

In the same interview, Quincy Jones says he loves Ed Sheeran and Sam Smith. So there’s that.

This is my absolute favorite Cohen bros pic. 


Red Letter Media covered this last week.

First: what happened to Uma is a travesty, and I hope there are serious consequences.

I have to be careful. There is a full-blown culture war in theatre.

What are you saying? The One Minute Play Festival BANNED MEN WHO HAD BEEN PARTICIPATING FOR YEARS. Do you want fucking emails of them explaining why I COULDNT PARTICIPATE BECAUSE OF MY GENDER AND RACE? This isn’t a case of grants for POC and women,I could not participate because of my gender. You fool. The funding