
So it’s a an automotive dash LCD mounted on it’s side. These have been floating around on Alibaba (and others) for a long time now as modules.

You see a flaw, I see an advantage. I have had situations occur where the cooler would not for anything come off the CPU. When it happened on Intel CPUs, the board, CPU and cooker were essentially a write off. When it happens on an AMD rig it’s no big deal, just pull straight away from the socket and out comes the CPU

So... Apple crammed an 8 core CPU in a space that looks about a centimeter thick. Thermals are going to be great on this one. Also, with all the mitigatuons you need to run along with turning Hyper threading off for proper security, this seems like a serious waste of money.

Ive done this, though I claimed I was going to off myself if they hung up or called for help. I was 16 at the time. After about 2 minutes of stringing them along I told them I’d had enough and slammed the phone on the table and quickly brought it back to my ear in time to here the poor sap screaming in horror. Then

This is nonsense. If it’s base clock speed was 5ghz then yes, you would be correct. But the i9 9900k only hits 5ghz on boost for only 1-2 cores and only for a very short amount of time. Maybe the 9900k will overclock like a champ and stay stable at 5ghz with some decent liquid cooling, but out of the box that’s simply

Simple solution, don’t set up your voice mail. My voicemail just tells people I haven’t set it up yet and hangs up on them. I never understood the point of voicemail in an age of Internet connected smartphones, if you want to talk to me leave me a text message. I don’t answer numbers that are