
did bette midler really shame her? bette midler is one to talk

NBA had pre recorded anthems in the bubble. all black people I think or at least every game I watched.

Nam vets got a bad deal as far as respect and appreciation. then again it wasn’t exactly the best performance by our armed forces. in no way does that change the sacrifices made by individuals and boots on the ground. just saying americans tend to over celebrate success and try to sweep failures under the rug.

crime is a choice. no excuses. she said looters need to

AOC is not white, female, young (by politician standards) and good looking (by politician standards). that played well with a frustrated voter base. but she represents where I live and where Amazon was contemplating a HQ and she completely botched that and showed her lack of experience and understanding as to what a

kneeling during the anthem 2 minutes a week accomplished nothing. Kap did it 4 years ago and since then inequality hasn’t shrunk and floyd died. need a new tactic it clearly accomplishes very little. 

she “won” something that isn’t in the rules. that would be like after a basketball game saying the team with the most assists actually won not the team with the most points. if the team knew that rule before the game they’d have gone for more assists.

if you are using the popular vote not the actual method we use to elect a president then we should get a chance to vote again knowing the new rule.

destroys a statue: it is just symbolic

destroys a statue: it is just symbolic

unfortunatley not in NY and NJ. renters can literally refuse to pay rent for months before a landlord can do anything. if you change the locks the renter can call the police. then when you finally go to court multiple times and spend thousands of cdollars to get the renter out, if the damages exceed the security

e she knew she should have signed up for summer 2020 and filled out the papers and paid before she had friends over to show off her pool without admitting she didn’t pay for it yet.

how about looting a luxury store? oh wait

amazon actually shows this as one of the uses of the tile!

amazon actually shows this as one of the uses of the tile!

good question. was hoping someone had a reason i shouldn’t do this as I have a tile laying around

good question. was hoping someone had a reason i shouldn’t do this as I have a tile laying around

i agree with you 100%.

first t hank you for your service

but are you a basketball and football champion with the nickname “big ______” insert your name there?

NBA player. now his “twin” and best friend. made $70 million dollars and did nothing for his best friend when he was alive yet is now crying on ESPN.

it does not justify his death.