
does your wife have a sister?

North Face pays you to use pictures of you in their ads

questioning his athleticism are just relying on pre conceived notions. he was a standout high school basketball player at 6'5". if he fails i am sure it won’t be due to athleticism. not like brady or eli are athletic and they did fine. or are we suggesting he is LESS athletic than those 2

not sure, they took saquon over a few really talented white guys not too long ago.

yet the citizens of the country’s who dip beg, borrow and cheat their way into the one country that doesn’t.....hmmmmmm

“He better be glad I didn’t have a gun because I would have shot him. But this right here [metal bat] is my gun,” 

if it is any consolation to the women involved one of the most popular headphones in the world are named after you

if I write a “White Persons Guide to the Last OG” will you post it?

we need to build the wall to keep lying witnesses to crimes out of the country

but how would cleveland field a team?

agreeing to play at michigan state then complaining about the coach screaming at you would be like becoming a sanitation worker and complaining you got dirty at work. it comes with the territory.

embid must suck at dodgeball.....good thing basketball pays better than dodgeball

it’s easier and safer to give them 4 sneaker boxes. 1 are the home white, 1 are the road color, 1 match the warmup suit they get off the bus in and 1 is stuffed with cash

larry nassar?

you mean $17k for 4 years of college. he was non scholarship his first year and free for the next 3.

no one forced him to go to Michigan State. He should consider himself lucky he had several schools offer him full athletic scholarships. if i had academic scholarship offers to several schools and instead took out loans to walk on my favorite basketball team no one would feel bad for me that I had (a relatively small

“Perhaps this is a good place to note that Voit is officially listed at the same height and five pounds heavier than Jimenez.”

Kevin Ware 

UCF should take a page from UCF football and give themselves championship rings anyways

Tyus Edney’s teammate George Zidek