
If only there was an unemployed QB that previously took his team to the Super Bowl available...

if you can’t hit a HR in a HR Derby, you probably aren’t doing it in a game....

Between this and the FUCKTOMB, I could not possibly love Philly sports fans more.

I’ve never met a self-professed “lifelong diehard fan” of any team that wasn’t obnoxious.

I mean, that’s a pretty standard response to anyone who asks if they can bring their kid to your wedding, when it clearly says no children on the invite. Don’t care if you’re a Cousin, no kids!

When even Gronk is smart enough to retire, it’s hard to hold a grudge against Andrew Luck

Mind-fucking Sharapova is something I’ve been doing since I was a teenager.

Wow, he’s really lucky, because, while they take drug offenses super-seriously in New Hampshire, they recently repealed the death penalty. Not only that, but hanging was still on the books in NH as one of the possible means of execution, until earlier this year! So, he won’t have to worry about mobs of people

I knew there was a reason I couldn’t beat Roger Federer.

those female players you mention? They haven’t beaten Fed either! #factsandlogic

All kids do nowadays is stare at their newspapers phones.

Golf Story deserves to be on this list. Don’t take my word for it, just look up reviews of it, many of which will place it above most of these listed here.

Golf Story deserves to be on this list. Don’t take my word for it, just look up reviews of it, many of which will

Maybe you’re confused - Bungie has never used that argument to justify anything. The main reason people know about Bungie’s slow tools is because of Kotaku’s reporting on Destiny’s problems, which is certainly not sanctioned by the studio or its management. Outside of a few granular GDC talks (which are a far cry from

“They forget you've gotta win," said the Cleveland Browns quarterback.

Within the reddit were plenty of legit complaints about the fact that it’s unfair for a skin to cost 18 bucks, that you can’t buy eighteen dollars worth of in-game money, you’d have to pay even more to get a twenty dollar pack, that you could buy other games for twenty bucks that are quite good instead of a simple

No offense bud, I get where you’re coming from, but that was the absolute shittiest analogy I have ever seen. And this is the internet, I’ve seen a ton of them. 

It’s really amazing how dumb some people are on what “freedom of speech” even means. 

As long as you have high levels of Midi Chlorians you can be a Jedi. Its all about the Midi Chlorians