Jon Langevin

Watch_dogs was not console exclusive

The link to Trevor Von Eeden’s website now 404s, apparently it’s a Japanese site now.

Well I guess you just ruined his attempt at anonymity :-P

Decent video, probably first he’s put out that isn’t ridiculously annoying. Aside from this article, I’ll still avoid anything he does like the plague.

The Majestic was decent, as was The Number 23

Agreed that "stealth" is a misnomer here... Just got my stealth in, my first mechanical keyboard, and it's by far the loudest keyboard in the house. I enjoy using it, and I probably should've assumed it impossible for a mechanical keyboard to be truly stealth (I never bought one in the past due to the loudness), but

I imagined that being said with a lisp

So glad I waited for the PC release... just 2 more months...

That would have required more than one explosive round to take down the chopper in BF4

Obviously Hal is the type that works completely naked

But inaccurate attribution is something best avoided. No use misinforming readers...

Game experience was definitely hollow for me. I also wonder how much the new Rainbow Six: Siege fed into their choice to delay, as that seems like a much more interesting Cops/Robbers type game...

Likely depends on whether the refurb is official Apple or a store "refurb". Like how Best Buy repackages broken devices to sell. Don't trust that for a moment. Or Best Buy for that matter.

how about some before/after shots, comparison gifs, etc? Hard to tell out-of-context regarding the standard graphics.

Steam Big Picture is where it's at. The standard client is okay, but I almost exclusively use Big Picture now, as I love being able to easily navigate, regardless of using keyboard, or mouse, or controller. I only wish they had Steam Reviews integrated into the product display in Big Picture.

Plus no1 actually likes using a browser to join a server, while the required game client is running, and hoping the browser+client are able to successfully launch the game without error (BF3, BF4, BF Hardline). That's another reason something like Origin still hasn't taken off...

Friends don't let friends play Mario Kart...

That guy's voice is so friggin' annoying, stopped watching the video. Extremely obnoxious

Cassie Cage looks very low quality compared to the rest of characters

Probably because they can likely freeze him out of work if he's not a union employee. Unions only work if it's an all-or-nothing deal, and they can't have people working around the existence of the union, so they ensure that can't happen...