Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection | $30
Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection | $30
Ha, the worst for me is when I worked near a Wendy's restaurant. There was one day I worked 12-15 hours (in IT, servers were down), so I went to Wendy's for lunch & dinner. Found out later that the meal I got each time was ~2000 calories (for the full large combo of sandwich, lg fries, lg soda). So that's what, 4000…
While McDonald's is pretty unhealthy overall, we've found a good option is their Egg White Delight McMuffin. I drop off the canadian bacon & cheese, so it's just egg white on toasted muffin. My wife is going without grains completely, so she just asks for 2 egg whites in a container. Works out decently.
Re: paying for online, at least you're not forced to pay to simply access your streaming services that are actually separate (i.e. - Xbox Live's handling of streaming services). I have Live, but still that bothers me...
eBay has 1 year of LIVE Gold for $35. Basically if you own a Microsoft console then you want this deal. [eBay]
Logitech G700s ($50) | Amazon
I've mostly cut out grains (no rice, bread is rare, potato is rare, no pasta). If I do any carbs, I try to keep them to the earlier part of the day (recommended by nutritionist).
My ideal weight would be around 190, but a few months ago I hit 278 (on 9/12/13), and realized that was ridiculous, I had to drop the weight. As a programmer, I literally sit all day, working on my computer, and with constant deadlines, it's not easy making the time to work out.
That's because the image was sized down automatically, meaning the text was sized along with it. The text would have to be larger to survive a resize like that.
This is the article he was talking about, it linked above in the main article...
'next-gen' launch title
Why would they offer the PS3 controller, when the PS4 controller actually has a touchpad which would (theoretically) address the Vita incompatibility issue?
Apples and oranges though. If you want a dedicated game system, sure, get a PS3. If you want to play (some?) of your Vita games, and stream your PS4, then the Vita TV seems the best solution.
"Would you rather Rather?"
On a related note, PS Vita TV looks like a good solution for buying only 1 PS4, then buying the PS Vita TV for other rooms, to enable PS4 gaming elsewhere in the house. Has potential...
Live offers free games as well, but that aside, The_Green_Smile is obviously trolling w/ a dearth of logic...
Grand Theft Auto, Just Cause ;-)
Vita market share has picked up since PS4 announcements regarding Vita streaming that actually works. Also there's supposedly plans for a pack-in of Vita + PS4, which would likely move quite well.
and a two Cintiqs