Need a photoshopped gif with one of the guys as the Geico pig :-)
Need a photoshopped gif with one of the guys as the Geico pig :-)
How do you get "openness to shenanigans" from that video? Just curious, as DICE isn't involved with the video. Do you mean, just the fact that something like that is able to happen in a game made by DICE?
The coolest of these concepts is the new "Drivatar" feature. Stephen's already gone into depth about it, so if you want to know more, I'd suggest starting with his article. The short version: The game studies your driving habits and compiles an AI-controlled Drivatar (a goofy name combining "driver" and "avatar") that…
So yeah, for a rails shooter in an arcade at $.25, it might be okay. Rails on home systems sucks.
Resistance... another pile'o'meh. Shame really, I tried to like each series more than once... Shame on me. Point taken re: Killzone
I call BS, they were likely storing full files without any compression, and not using any techniques to reduce storage usage. Giant open-world games with huge maps clock in under 50gb, so they were definitely being lazy...
Sounds like you're talking about Halo. Pretty much same situation for that series imho. And Gears of War... Bunch'o'meh
I ended up ordering the Top Gun III from amazon, was $79 as well. Seems to work okay, but not worth the cost. The drivers were last updated in 2010, and aren't digitally signed, so you have to do a weird workaround.
Considering that my mom has a Steam account, my wife has a Steam account, and about 5 friends (that never play games) have Steam accounts, I don't give any weight to this. I know more people in person that have inactive Steam accounts than I know actual gamers (in person)... lol
Any recommendation on a light gun for PC use? Amazon has squat.
The constant Metroid references were definitely one-too-many for me. I get it, great series, and this is the original Metroid team. Make one or two references, but not every paragraph...
More realistic models? FINALLY.
Myst has been re-released several times, fairly recently even.
Just leave off detective mode, that'll give yourself a challenge. Problem solved ;-)
Anyone else see Gabe from The Office as the guy on the right in that video?
The cross buy only provides the game as a download, which sucks considering the cost of vita memory cards