
wait, what? did you seriously just say that characters kicked ass while not changing their nature in episodes like best of both worlds an yesterdays enterprise? the episode where picard is turned into a borg is keeping true with his nature? or the episode with an alternate universe warship enterprise is keeping with

ad-hominem, the last resort of an asshole on the internet who knows he's wrong and can't simply admit it. kudos to you, mr. status quo.

again, you're wrong. the implication of the episode is that al gore is really desperate for friends and attention. he'll make a power point presentation and put you on a mailing list. man bear pig is a red herring. i'm glad you have an opinion, and that you took something from someones work, but just because you see

that episode wasn't really about climate change as much as it was about al gores unwarranted self importance after having made a movie out of his power point presentation. it's nice that you missed the point completely. in this aspect, you're pretty much identical to the climate change deniers who reference the