This defies almost all knowledge of computing I know... I mean, it is possible to send a task via network to a remote computer to process a job on the cloud, and then send back the results. We saw this with the PS3 and the Folding@Home project.
This defies almost all knowledge of computing I know... I mean, it is possible to send a task via network to a remote computer to process a job on the cloud, and then send back the results. We saw this with the PS3 and the Folding@Home project.
Tried to find a game yesterday that used it to that degree or in that function, and did not. I did however play some Warframe with it. The ninja powers were mapped to the touchpad as V ^ < > Swipe to activate functions (and its also press able button itself). It was pretty responsive. Overall I'm excited for the 5…
Because maybe some people want both?
Looks boring.
half life got cancelled because the voice actor who did gordon freemans voice died.
I'm with you on that. Doesn't Nintendo realize that a 3D open-world Pokemon on their home console would sell like CRAZY?? If I were CEO/President/whatever I would have had that puppy in development for years already.
"Nintendo brings a full fledge, no holding back barrage of its first party heavy hitters "
Heavy hitters that actually showed us why the screen controller is a great thing would have been nice.
I was thinking about picking up a WiiU if Nintendo wowed me at E3. I was hoping for a small price cut and some amazing games. I don't care about Bayonetta and while Smash Brothers i nice, we knew about it. I tried, but I just can't get on board with Nintendo until they do something about their games and the price.
They aren't even trying anymore.
I thought you were being sarcastic at first.... I don't know anyone who has considered getting the new Nintendo. Those who have/had a Wii was only using it when people came over; it was a dust collector the other 28 days of the month.
We know Nintendo exists. That's why it's safe to say Sony won.
Unless Nintendo announces a new console today at their event do you really think they are going to magically win after the abysmal state the Wii U is currently in? Be honest with yourself, Nintendo themselves gave up on the battle for "next gen" and tried a different route - it isn't working.
Just Xbox One in Italics.
What about if you fancied a bit of retro gaming twenty years down the line, and were effectively unable to play your (no longer supported) Xbone games?
You are not the only one. Unfortunately the knee-jerk, overreacting minority of internet ragers are way more noisy on the interwebz.
*reads the comments, notices how people don't like the game just because it's always online*