I cover mine with my hands-free burger holder, that is, unless I'm eating a burger. Whenever i am eating a burger though I do so naked as to punish those watching me.
I cover mine with my hands-free burger holder, that is, unless I'm eating a burger. Whenever i am eating a burger though I do so naked as to punish those watching me.
Not at all surprised, and the Kinect privacy concerns were getting a big "conspiracy theorist" weird.
Any sane rational person assumed this from the beginning. My phone and laptop are equipped with front facing cameras and always on as well and I'm not afraid of those devices either
Indeed. Not to mention that it is correct grammar-wise unless Hayters was his actual last name. Jesus am the greetest! Now im gonna leave this article, for no raisin!
Except they specifically said before all of this that the conference was about features and they'd be discussing games at E3. People got all bent out of shape for no real reason given that.
The "facts" in this infographic are among the stupidest fucking things I have ever read.
Put a towel or tape over it then. Better yet cover it with your tin-foil hat
Why are you perpetrating a lie? Microsoft never said anything about helping the Government. They already said it could be powered off. The restriction is for paid TV content, like a UFC fight., It doesn't mean every person has to pay, it just means you won't be able to use it in a club or restaurant to show it to a…
A good example of how Microsoft managed to confuse everyone with the Xbox One.
Your username makes it that much better.
I don't buy it. The kid was set up. No way he could have structured the note like that.
Paranoid much? And do you really think they have an army of people employed to do nothing but watch and listen to people through their Kinects? I sure hope you don't own a smartphone...
I said the same thing the day it revealed. Gamers, especially avid ones are gonna hate it. They are obviously the bio cal majority on sites like Kotaku and IGN. But tech geeks and people who like device integration at home who don't really play games (they exist) probably like this thing. That said I still think at…
Kotaku has made it an agenda to go after the Xbox One in a negative sense. Dozens of articles, on and on about the same thing. It's become like Gawker or Gizmodo where Nick hands down a certain "take this angle" memo and the writers have to churn out articles based on that and that only.
Are we going to get any proof that a majority of those people were disappointed? Because all you're running on is a bunch of whiny assholes on the internet.
This is so wrong it made me laugh.
Pro tip: There are *only* negative Wii-U stories.
The Wii U is indeed crap. Proprietary hardware arbitrarily increases the difficulty and risk of development, turning big name publishers away from the system. Couple that with the fact that the Wii U is basically just a Wii with an iPad controller and no one really gives a shit about it. The walking dead comment is…