I wouldn't say that. If anything, the sad part is that the average consumer doesn't care about the tech. Look at how inferior the Wii was when it came to hardware, and what it lacked in relative features it made up it gimmicks. Look how many they sold, and look at how the average consumer still praises it.
But Microsoft is trying to eventually get these features out globally. Part of your anger might be because you think it was a "videogame showcasing". It wasn't. It was specifically a hardware showcasing, with a few bonuses. That's that they said it was going to be. Their "videogame showcasing" has yet to come, at E3.
That doesn't prove anything. The same type of people who read Kotaku are the same people would follow Gamespot on Twitter.
Your kids can stream classic Xbox One games then :-D
Yeah you're probably right, but I would still think that the size and price would be a an issue for a lot of people. Just imagine in 15-20 years, backwards compatibility probably won't be a problem because even if the hardware can't handle it, you could just stream games with fiber internet.
Don't you think the Xbox One is huge already? Don't you think it's probably going to be really expensive? Well if they add backwards compatibility the console will be even bigger and even more expensive. That's probably the biggest reason why.
Ehh, Stephen has been one of the more neutral writers on it so far, IMO. I think he is doing his job, especially in this article. He is just trying to clear confusion and get questions answered.
I've actually been really disgusted in the comments on Kotaku. There is no optimism and everyone is critiquing things that…
Because the only people whining about it are avid gamers, i.e. the people who read sites like Kotaku. So far everyone who doesn't play games that I talk to says that it sounds cool. Then I have some gamer friends who are also looking forward to it. Easily 40%.
I have to say... Sometimes I am embarrassed to be part of the gaming community. Most of us (I admit I do it too) are just absolute whiners. After reading a lot of comments between yesterday and today I've noticed that there are a few level headed people but a lot are jumping on the hatewagon and complaining about…
"Xbox...Play ps4!"
Those bricks in the last screenshot look out of scale. Are they supposed to be that big?
Ugh. It takes me an hour to drive to school (for my last day of class), and the reveal is happening exactly during that hour. Just my luck.
So now I am hoping two things: I can get a good stream to at least listen to in the car, and that I don't get in an accident.
There's nothing really important in here but it's free for them to make Vines and it creates buzz. Look how numerous media outlets reported on it, including Kotaku. It's free advertising. They'd be silly not to make Vines.
Well this is essentially modified planking
"Said nobody ever!"
...Says everyone, all the time now
I found "Cog" with the GoW font under it. Conspiracy.
Damn, I had one in my pocket... but I left it in when I went to wash my pants
I'm sorry, Jason. I'm not trying to be rude, but this was probably worst post I've seen on Kotaku in a long time... and it's a featured one? There was no info conveyed in this, and I'm sorry to say, no entertainment. It's just some guy basically trolling customer service representative. I mean, I suppose the post…