I've heard before that the game is being developed by just this Wollay fella and his wife. Is that true? That's pretty amazing.
I've heard before that the game is being developed by just this Wollay fella and his wife. Is that true? That's pretty amazing.
No. It's not. Just... go sit in the corner or something.
Thank you for sharing this, Luke! Environment art is my favorite part of video games. I also love hard surface modeling, which this guy has mastered *drools*
I think it's simply because every decade gets exaggerated in memory. Why would people remember the boring stuff?
Ahh regular people. God, I hate 'em.
Wow. I'm more of an environment guy, but these character models look frickin' awesome! Must look up more pictures...
I think I like "Ninny" better. Ninny, Mikey, and....Sony?
Man. I noticed those yellow balloons floating up in probably the second or third time I watched the video of the explosion. I remember thinking "I wonder who was holding those balloons." Now seeing him holding those sure gives that picture an ominous feeling, along with the thousand other things going on.
Does anyone else desperately want a new Crash Bandicoot? I downloaded 1 & 2 a few weeks ago to play through them again, and now I really want an updated one. I don't even care if it's the same simple mechanics, it was fun. Platformers just aren't the same anymore.
Another classic I would love to see an update on is…
The way they edited this cracked me up. It seemed like this guy was playing on this thing for two hours while everyone sat in line, watching.
That's from Day Z, you silly billy!
All of you mainstream-hating hipsters, don't forget to check out a purely competitive shooter, Shootmania. There is open beta right now and the game is on a 10% sale.
It plays like Quake, with a speed between CS and UT. I've been addicted to this game for the last month, and…
It leaks in only 360p? God damn, the fuck? Swear words and such.
Get ready for the tasteless jokes to come
Don't be a dick
Stephen, how awkward was it when people walked in and you were image searching and youtubing dicks?
From someone who mostly plays on their PC, but also has a lot of consoles: Don't be a fag.