
Wow, this is the coolest Minecraft animation I've ever seen. Is everything pre-animated and exported to the game engine, or is this all done in a separate 3D package?

Well to be fair, a lot of people who pre-ordered it had no idea that was going to happen. (To that extent, at least)

Well, the obvious next step is for Kotaku to interview Mike Bensa. The world has been dying to know why Mike Bensa is such an asshole. Fuck Mike Bensa.

ShootMania is pretty fun. It's not as fast as Quake, but it's definitely a good old-fashioned arena shooter.

Yeah, you're right. You are being nit-picky :-P

I'm sure the environment artists who worked on it loved seeing this

I bet they'll let you choose between Battlefield 2, My Sims, and FIFA 08.

Ehh, I get your point but in my eyes that's like blaming every American for something that Obama or representatives decided. There are tons of artists and programmers (and even designers) who worked very hard on this game and had no control or input about DRM.

That's why I love ArenaNet for closing sales on Guild Wars 2 until they settled the servers. I know it pissed a lot of people off, but I'm selfish so....fuck you, people.

Nope! When people ask me my favorite movie, I say "The Matrix Trilogy".

I got Hawken :-/

Like Zombies from CoD, but dinosaurs instead

Screencap says it's definitely not a bird

Reading the article reminded me of the episode of Futurama where Leela becomes the first women to play Blernsball

Usually I'm the guy that defends SNL, but...yeah...that was a pretty bad skit. The idea was there, just bad writing. Sidenote: Somebody please fire/kill Seth Myers.

When I was scrolling through the images I thought to myself "There is going to be at least one person who says 'I found Waldo'". Thank you for not making me feel dumb.

Welp, these people will die off someday. The only thing that I am concerned about is what is going to be my scapegoat when I'm old?

I was pretty much in tears at the end there

Who here has good ideas but sucks at photoshop? I'm pretty good at photoshop but I can't come up with any good ideas. Let's team up and take this thing over. For realz.

You're chalk