
How ironic. You thought he had had dumbest comment, but really it was yours.

I wonder how much they make every hour on the computer


We have a weiner

This is my first time hearing of this game, but I found this on their site:

These would go perfect with my Portal coasters

Yes, I beat the cue. I'm original.

I didn't want to say it, but I can't NOT say it...*clears throat*........lens flare.

Now playing

I'll help plug a launch game that my teacher and his studio created. It's called Battle Gnomes. It's sort of Bomberman with an updated arena feel to it. There are a lot of current and recently graduated students that worked on this. It should be available at launch.

Normally a lot of those sculpting apps aren't very good but since I saw that this is Autodesk, I am very intrigued

Greater Swiss is better :-)

Maybe it is me then, I don't know. My wife experiences the same thing on her Xbox slim, too.

Mmmm, maybe...but I have 20mbps (which I would guess is above average), and I've experienced it on multiple Xboxes. I would say it's probably a difference of opinion. I just feel like whenever I press that "Xbox" button, everything is just slow.

I would buy it if they can promise opening up the Xbox menu, joining parties, sending messages, etc, isn't gawdly slow.

SnipeyMcSnipe likes your comment: "8=====D"

If this was on Facebook, I'd "like" it. But it's not. So I don't

I've always wanted a prequel

Haha, love the lens flare between the logo at the end

Looks like War Z.

Okay, let me give you an example of something that I was talking about. Just recently, a lot of people were up in arms because out of all the new head coaches hired this year in the NFL, none of them were black.