They went 1-2 in the first series against Atlanta. One of those losses was by a score of 15-2.
They went 1-2 in the first series against Atlanta. One of those losses was by a score of 15-2.
If knowing that one number is bigger than another number makes me a nerd, then yes, I am a nerd. Good luck with repeating the 2nd grade.
I didn’t bother watching because Albert Burneko said that the series was already over.
Usually Curry takes over the next morning. That may just be me though.
I just think it’s sad that he didn’t even take her on a date until after they were married.
Damn, and here I thought bringing this light skinned baby along to a high stakes park heist would have been the perfect cover.
Foiled again by these observant white people.
the ’Tics played smarter
You went to K State. A lot more than 5 minutes has been stolen from you.
Is there some available coach out there who has a secret plan for making James less good at basketball?
No not really. I just shout my name if I’m in there and someone else comes in
It was the right joke to make and we both made the correct decision. Originality can go fuck itself.
i am not a beautiful or unique snowflake
This comment.
Paxton sat down 16 Athletics in seven innings of work last night, and he needed just 105 pitches to do it. That’s the fewest number of pitches ever thrown on the way to 16 Ks.
Meanwhile, Maury Povich’s “Know Your Y” trademark is alive and well.
Good morn, Mr. Emmert.
Kobe gets a bad rap, but his career is legit and he didn’t have the luxury of teaming up with other superstars most of his career the way Lebron has.
Playoff hockey overtime is a fantastic spectacle when you have no horse in the race.*