Jonny Dabs

So many words, not a single sentence or coherent thought. Are you a bot, or an imbecile?

Man you still showing off your stupidity, huh? Your mom wished she had an abortion. Instead she brought a mentally incompetent shit stain into the world. What a stupid slut.

Why didn’t your whore mother abort you? Oh yeah, she was busy jerking me off. You’re a fucking idiot, and you have nothing left to contribute to society except your death. Get on with it already.

Show me someone who believes abortion is murder and I will show you someone who supports dropping bombs on foreign children, capital punishment, and turning pregnant Syrian refugees away to certain death. You speak bullshit, and the hypocrisy is disgusting.

So why don’t we put up some monuments for hitler so we don’t forget about WW2?

They were just following orders like the Nazis. God damn you’re fucking stupid. Just grow a dick and admit you hate black people.

That’s what history books are for. The confederates were cowardly, unpatriotic traitors who tried to break up an for destroy our country. They got their asses handed to them for it. You wish to honor the traitorous losers, but to the victors go the spoils. You’re side lost, get over it.

Your movement is non existent. We beat the shit out of the Nazis last time you showed your ugly faces. Want to take bets what happens this time little Nazi? Keep talking shit behind your computer, maybe nobody will notice you have no dick.

That’s waste of time, you are an idiot. Simple concepts are beyond the grasp of your uneducated mind.

Hide behind your keyboard like a coward little Nazi. It makes you feel like a big man. Don’t ever say that shit in public though, you have no dick. You don’t want to get your face punched in like your little Nazi boyfriend.

You don’t know what you are talking about. When I worked as a server or bartender I constantly fucked with people’s food. I knew several other barkeeps and servers who did the same. Tip 20% or your food gets nasty stuff in it period. To this day, I know people in the industry who will take a pic of a bad custy

Never been a service blog like Life Behind Bars?

Okay first and foremost, 15% is an outdated standard. If you don’t tip 20% then your food is constantly having disgusting things done to it. If you get bad food at a restaurant, don’t go back. If you get bad service, simply ask for a different server. If you are ok with pubes, urine, feces, semen, spit, dead skin,