
The person originally associated with Louis CK creepiness (to put it mildly) has never ever come out and denied he was the man in question. In fact later statements made it all the more obvious he was the correct pick. You might be confusing aspects of two separate creepshow comedian tales.

Did you know that David Tennant will be the voice of Uncle Scrooge in the new Disney XD version of DuckTales that starts this weekend? Won’t really be the same, but no one can say that the man isn’t versatile.

I mean…was anyone worried? Piracy has never been shown to have a detrimental effect on stuff like this but has frequently correlated with audience increases.

People gave a shit, they just didn't have to talk much about it because it was assumed to be the case. Now we get weirdly proud announcements telling us when it's not.

Which is not a thing that actually happens with any regularity.

Must feel great to know you've been hired because of your vagina and not your individual merits as a writer. And to know everyone else knows it too.

Hm, I'm here and you don't speak for me.

Glad you're here to recap the convoluted plot so far.

He's actually quite hysterical. I watched it because I wanted to, I don't give a shit about having any insider info or knowing more than others, nor do I have any interest in spoiling people. I'm not even a thrones fanboy, it's a decent but powerfully overrated show. Good episode though.

I'm around the same age and we certainly didn't. It has been the standard here for about a decade, give or take a couple years. Watching this leaked episode was a far better viewing experience than some of the shit I've sat through in my time. People are kinda spoilt little bitches today.

I would gladly copy the car, contents of the bank vault and that fucking nun's purse without a second thought though.

Holy shit dude. Who hurt you?

Adults who lived most of their lives without HD versions of anything and know it's not the be all end all of a viewing experience. And people who like the show but don't treat it like the fucking holy grail of all media and just want to sit down and watch something for an hour.

I don't love any of Broadchurch but s2 is easily the best. The entirety of the trial is indeed a farce but the main murder mystery is focused and we didn't have to suffer eight episodes of red herrings and literally everyone looking guilty at some point, like s1 and s3.

and that the Hillary people had him killed for all the bullshit inconsequential emails that Russian front Wikileaks put out

He was very critical of Hillary, people have been all over his social media accounts and the comments he posted. And he was in a position to easily get those emails. Hersh's word on the FBI report is evidence; you mean there's no *proof*. But I bet that doesn't concern you when you're swallowing a dozen anonymously

Regardless of political affinity, we should all be able to agree the idea that requiring English speaking immigrants restricts the flow to those from the UK and Australia is profoundly stupid. The argument that giving priority to skilled people who will be able to contribute and speak the language is racist…well,

The DC Police said it because, to them (and probably statistically) it is the most likely scenario. There is no confirmation either way. But I don't believe he was assassinated, I think he probably was killed in a botched robbery, you just can't seem to wrap your head around my original point merely being it

He cites a FBI report stating Rich did contact Wikileaks, looking to sell DNC emails. If you want to call him a liar, I can't stop you. I have no reason to believe he is.

Well we'll have to agree to disagree, but if that's the worst I can be called out for then I'm pretty happy. According to several others I'm a rampant conspiracy theorist, rape apologist monster. Don't see any of those guys stepping up to prove their claims.