Jon Hartley

You know rape culture doesn't just mean a bunch of people saying, "Hey, rape is great?" right? It has to do with everything from slut-shaming to victim-blaming, along with other things that include a hyphen followed by a word that rhymes with "aiming". You know, things that are quite pervasive in our culture to this

That's your right to make that decision, but don't forget that there are also plenty of non-bigoted actors, crew members, and so on that depend on film profits for their livelihood.

I'm not a fan of forced apologies. If you can see right through it and he's doing it just to avoid his own hatred cutting into his profits, what's the worth of it? I don't think that promotes meaningful change and I actually think it discourages real dialogue that could help people to change.

Jay-Z has always been up front about his appreciation of his own self more than anything else. And, as is always the case with hip hop, simply hanging around over the years automatically grants you a place among the elite, even if in any given year, you were never the best at what you do.

Try reading past the first paragraph next time.

Are you purposefully evoking Patrick Bateman?

*or Before Midnight. My bad. That's the one wide release that is okay to unequivocally love so far this year if you're a film critic.

I love how there's an unwritten rule whereby if you pick something that was not a limited release, you have to self-consciously explain why and take shots at the film at the same time that you praise it. You don't want to look low-brow, right?