
Syd is sort of a Rogue Mystique combo so far.

I've been hearing, "You are Navy Seal." for the past week every time Spotify goes to a commercial. It's making me root for a Walton Goggins project to fail.

I guess that whoever the kid was asked to meet with before flying to Africa is going to be the threat. Dar going full paranoia about President Marvel and somehow getting Carrie involved could be interesting, but I don't see it carrying the whole season.

I heard there was goat fucking in here and I came as fast as I could.

Thea shooting an arrow so Sara could catch it and stab Damien officially brings Arrow back to "This show… This fucking show!!" levels of quality.

I wonder what his stance is on public swimming pools.

I'm not a fan of the two timeline theories, but at the very least I'm beginning to suspect that Bernard is a replica of Arnold and the conversations with Delores are flashbacks.

I was expecting to see Theresa's face begin to be formed onto it or something before the credits rolled.

"President Trump, VP Pence, the Speaker of the House, Secretary Palin, Secretary Hannity, AG Gulliani, Teg Nugent, and the rest of the line of succession have all died. The leader of the free world is now Jeff, he works in accounting."

Oh Elsie, never go to a location where a nefarious plot is being carried out alone. I can't decide if this was an uncharacteristically dumb move or not so it is irritating me a lot more than it should.

At least they remember her name, unlike that Jerry guy she went on a few dates with.

That scene between Rebecca and Josh almost rivals The Office's dinner party in terms of cringe. I was considering walking out of the room for a moment.

So that's how Twinks for Trump was founded.

Depends if it requires logging into your Facebook account.

Wally is now played by a broom on a stand.

I would much rather we got to keep Jessie Quick than having to wait around for Wally to eventually get his powers from Alchemy. I'm still not a fan of the show's version of Wally, while Jessie and Harry's presence immediately made the show fun again.

I'm still curious how blades handled by the guests would work. If one of the guests who joined the cult (I'm also assuming they are guests because Teddy's bullets had no effect.) decided to chase the female guest, does the blade suddenly become rubber?

The fun spirit that even darker episodes have had just seemed to be completely sucked away this week. At least the big bad this season is a steam punk plague doctor instead of yet another speedster.

I'm expecting sever Browns defensive players to leave the field in bodybags, but in the Browns shut Brady down I would just laugh nonstop for the next 8 seasons.

Are are all the premieres for the Arrowverse this season going to feature alcoholic cops?