
Someday we'll both have time to stop in the Rabbit screenings again.

I'd insult Deadwood, but I don't want my last words on the AV Club to be a lie.

Oh what a world…


We can fly! But it is done in the most mundane way possible.

*Donald Trump looks directly at it*

Ends with the Taco Bell Bell.

I was promised extreme vetting.

It is what keeps millennials from being able to afford houses.

I asked Teti that during his AMA. He is going to try to post a Block and Tackle when the show is on hiatus.

Going out on a high note.

If Bran didn't before, he does now that he is the creepy eyed raven.

He still has to reveal that Tyrion didn't kill Joffery to Cersei. That little fact pretty much guaranteed his survival for me. I was expecting Bronn or Drogan to be the big casualties of the episode.

I mean when it started off in there it was a cucumber.

He was in that pie Arya ate in the last episode.

"What happened to her family?"
"She kill them with… how you say… thing that chop wood. Also many animal go….errr crazy when near her."

Of all the plots to set up the end game, it had to be the one that makes me feel creepy for watching.

They are clearly building up to a big reveal that Selena died when she had her heart attack and went to the Good Place. That's why President Montez has her own Janet unit.

Phillip will probably walk away from the Pascha incident realizing this. He is pretty much already there considering his rush to the house. Elizabeth I'm not so sure yet.

They really do sell the genuine affection the two characters have for one another. Plus Ray would not be anywhere near as interesting without her being the brains of their terrible scheming.