
It, as ever, can be two things

"People are ganging up on each other online, but people were always ganging up on each other."

Unless ISIS is actually headquarterd in a goddamn Terrordrome, then the vast majority of people in "the ISIS capital" are civilians and victims of evil motherfuckers.

I think it's more an illustration of the limits of security states. They don't actually make safer but they can sure make more enemies.

There's no city on Earth I dislike enough to want to see this happen to it.

My country, the alleged home of the brave, has been pissing itself with fear ever since.

No, Puppy. No but. "None of this is the fault of the people being attacked, and my thoughts are with them and their families" period.

On a side note, we can probably say with some certainty that was the last time Vanilla Ice had an impact.