
you can't just assume everybody reading the article has never been laid

he still has to prove he's the REAL paul mccartney and not some fucking imposter they hired after the original died

That would paper over any and all of GoT's flaws

to be fair, that beard does automatically bring to mind the words "some recluse"

john mccain never recorded a seminal album

what's the deal with the persona 5 review

No Shit, Internet!

the thing is al gore is such a LIBERAL ELITIST COMMUNIST he doesn't even know the proper hard liquor to drink

I've always found it odd that South Park gets so much shit for the Giant Douche vs. Turd Sandwich episode whereas the Simpsons Halloween segment about Clinton and Dole being replaced by space aliens is beloved despite having the exact same message. If you vote for either you're voting for an evil alien who seeks to

This seems like a movie that lost all momentum when Trump became president. Might as well be 90 minutes of Al Gore saying "fuck it" and drinking from a bottle of Jim Beam.

he's got the same powers as vixen and they'd prefer to use vixen

well, linkin park's name is all over the news!

that ms. marvel election issue is pretty hilarious to read now in the Age of Trump.

well, you're the one who said they were overpaid.

then people would bring up brian wood's sexual harassment history and go "why are you adapting a comic by a known predator? you're essentially a rapist for adapting this comic"

then people would bring up brian wood's sexual harassment history and go "why are you adapting a comic by a known predator? you're essentially a rapist for adapting this comic"

how much do you think they should be paid

the alt-right repurposed a fucking stoner frog cartoon too, i guess we should shy away from making comics and cartoons about talking animals from now on

well, i mean no one has said the FF aren't in the movie for one thing so worrying about that seems premature

there's no way a fantastic four movie would work without a couple of references to iron man, a cameo from ant-man and phil coulson's name appearing on a piece of paper, you're right