The Other Expenses, from Magic's 990, included:
The Other Expenses, from Magic's 990, included:
I think "I don't have a fucking clue as top why I'm being criticized, but I know it's that goddamn black bitch's fault" would be slightly more accurate.
His wife was his business partner in the slumlord empire. Do some research man.
Both things can be true. My mom's an incredibly abusive narcissist who is also very devoted and caregiving to people outside of her immediate family.
>I'm pretty sure that the majority of Hollywood are shameless assholes
I kind of want to believe that Bradley Cooper is a psychopath, if only because I have always felt him to be oddly cold and inauthentic in interviews. In reality, though, he's probably a super nice person and I am just trying to validate my totally random dislike of him. Still...he's got such emotionally dead eyes when…
It's 2nd wave. Hell, some 2nd wave feminists thought the only way to empowerment was strict lesbianism. That was an extreme (and small) part of the movement, yes, but most 3rd wave would be like "ummm, lol?" at that.
Ah, the same genius who spun verbal gold like "If one desires a cold beverage, don't drink a hot one!" "Feet are an ideal place for shoes!"
Mansplaining? PRETTY sure Hillary is a woman. Actually—I can confirm that.
How is Hillary Crosley mansplaining? She's a woman, and she's trying to make hooks' point more clear to the people who didn't get it, which is totally valid. You're being ridiculous.
-_- I literally wrote a comment saying that there are different viewpoints in feminism and we should be respectful and you responded in the exact opposite way without any critical thought or argumentative skills. Good job.
Not everyone is familiar with ms. hooks. I didn't know much about her until college and I'm 35. And I think calling Beyonce a terrorist needs as many people explaining it as possible, 'cause that shit was unnecessary and inflammatory. You can disagree on Beyonce's style of feminism without equating a fellow feminist…
Sure, that's a fair point. It's absolutely wrong for an image to used without the permission of the photographer/subject, but that's really orthogonal to my point about the wide use of stock photos/general photos as stand ins for victims in social justice campaigns/PSAs.
I get it, Franco. You're putting an "edgy" spill on the selfie - depicting malaise and mediocrity instead of false happiness and fitness. Now go write another terrible piece for the New York Times "arts" page justifying your narcissism.
I used to find him quite attractive, but there is just something about this photo that makes me go:
He seems to be on a mission to become a little less appealing every single day. Godspeed, Franco.
but how can you feel all self-righteous and superior by "waiting thirty seconds" or "paying a tiny amount of attention"? i mean it's not as if celebrity news was, like, included in this blog's byline or anything... >.>
Depressing that Parks' legacy is being misused by so many delusional racists with a persecution complex.
Slow news day? Must be or I wouldn't have bothered to write this comment.