
Difizia isn't that hard though. it's pretty common sense? I fee like some white people (are you white?) weren't taught how to sound out words or something.

Hopefully that poor child can overcome having such a ratchet mother.

I've never heard of this restaurant before, even when I was researching "fancy" places to go to in NYC. huh.

I'm so torn on Rihanna. She is hilarious and doesn't give a fuck, but she's also a straight up BITCH. she has made fun of her own fans on Twitter multiple times, and it's gross.

That wasn't his fault though. :( I must defend Eric at all costs.

Eric? Schmoopy? You must have missed the part where he ripped a dude's penis off and let him bleed to death.

The only characters that matter are Eric and Pam.

Seriously? I would feel waaaaaaaaaay safer riding the NYC subway at 1am than being anywhere in Atlanta at 1am.

You're a white upper class white woman who went to an HBCU? Oh lordy.

I must be missing something. This looks like typical shit you see on World Star just with some transgendered people throwing down.

"We should probably stop assigning genders until children can decide for themselves."

I am completely baffled as to where these fucktards got the idea that women can have sex whenever they damn well please. I consider myself pretty average and considering how dry my love life has been for the past couple years, I fucking WISH I could get sex whenever I want. BUT LIFE DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY FOR ANY HUMAN.

She participated in the whole Boobs skit though. And she's pretty dumb/huge stoner in real life. So it's not that surprising.

Uh lots of actors from other countries have worked hard to give themselves non-distinct accents so they can get more work, or so they won't be typecast.

Looking at her just makes me kind of ragey now. Her relationship with Sean Penn just makes me want to curl up into a ball.

More representation is good, but this is a stupid story. Those dolls will be discontinued, and others will be introduced. That's how American Girl always does it. And moreover Ivy was EAST ASIAN. ASIA IS AN ENTIRE FUCKING CONTINENT AND "ASIAN" DOES NOT ONLY MEAN EAST ASIAN.

Oh yay, once again this turns into a "let's make everything about African Americans" thing.

Well guess what, I'm Indian and I've never had a doll to play with that looked like me except white Barbies that wore saris. I survived. It's not always about black people.

There are 7 dolls and 3 are non-white. The issue is? I guess there could be an Asian.

I know all about the Sami, and please, that has nothing to do with the fact that most of Scandinavia is Caucasian as fuck. It takes an idiot to not know that any society that is homogenous will be much more giving and willing to pay taxes out the ass to benefit the greater good. Once those people feel like their money