More fun than driving a fast car slow

No amount of ice buckets can restore the faith in humanity I've lost over the fact that opening an iPhone box is worthy of a live cable broadcast.

I'm guessing Jalopnik doesn't get many F Type owners. They're too busy ducking out of dinner bills.

So. You see a post titled "stop refrigerating your butter"; you think, "I can't have butter, how dare they!". Click the link and read the post about said butter you can't have, and then post a message complaining how inconsiderate it was of them to post anything about butter since you can't have it... Good thinking.

Its okay man. Nothing is wrong with it.

This is fake. There's no such thing as a Lada reinforced frame.

All pictures of Armstrong taken by Aldrin seemed to be littered with small holes indicating their use in dart practice. They also had crudely drawn glasses and stink lines emanating from Neil's person. As such, none were in good enough condition to display.

I bet that pilot is resting on two stools after that landing.

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I heard that is when he switched to a different PR guy.

I can't help but think that the New Testament is really just a massive retcon of the Old because someone realized that God's an asshole and tried to clean up His image. It's all just a PR move. the traditional soda fountain ratio of 5:1 syrup to soda water.

I don't get them newfangled FM radio stations on my CB in the truck or my 8-track in the dorm. Where can I get myself one of these "radios" for cheap?

TXDOT, you're not helping. This was yesterday afternoon, as TXDOT was trying to get ahead of the mess.

Don't mess with Texas.... but if you do, bring ice. That shit fucks them up quick.

Oh yeah. It's a work-from-home day 'til I don't see anything that vaguely resembles frost on the ground.

What most security experts know but don't say because it's not what their customers want to hear: "Most passwords don't need to be strong, because they're not protecting anything valuable or interesting to hack anyway."

I have a pretty large music library (4000 +) albums, mostly classical, and a dedicated music player (I use J River Music Center, which is awesome) is essential:

I think you may be getting a lack of understanding mixed up with the innate stubbornness of the average British man and woman.

That's the first good kick by Bama in a while

That's strange. Cause i ordered few tuna cans and instead i got these stupid earphones! Did FedEx screwe up again?