More fun than driving a fast car slow

Needs moar left-foot braking.

It wasn't a true shaggin' wagon unless it had a mattress, shag pile carpeting on the walls and ceiling, an 8-track stereo, and an airbrushed mural on the side featuring unicorns, surfer chicks, or surfer chicks riding unicorns.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Apparently a lot of Austinites want to see it - the Alamo's web site has been running like a dog since around 10:30am, but there's still no sign of showtimes. :(

Apparently both Sony and Paeamount are run by Mickey Mouse these days. :/

The theaters have little choice but to comply if they want to be allowed to show further releases from that studio.

At least they give you a supply of cones to mark off the inevitable mess resulting from high-altitude squattage necessary to avoid entrusting one's botty to that medieval device.

Nice to know I'm not the only one who's been unceremoniously plunged into darkness for taking too long in the in-garage restrooms. Just as well there are no hidden cameras to catch the waving of arms like a demented chair-ridden stick insect in an attempt to reignite the lumens.

Never mind Texas seceding from the Union - can Austin just secede from Texas?

Back when I went to school, "Organic" was any carbon-based substance; it's only in recent years that the term has been purloined by yuppies.

While nowhere near as rare as the blood donors in this article, apparently since I was born and raised outside the USA, my blood lacks a particular antigen that almost all Americans have, and which can be fatal to infants. So once or twice a year, I'll get a call from the local blood bank asking me to make a special

Bah, my buddies and I invented this back in the mid-80's, courtesy of a case of beer, a couple of Cyalume light sticks, and a penknife. That hotel toilet glowed like a porcelain beacon for the entire weekend.

I really wish that people who obviously don't understand how flag signals work, would stop commenting about the flag signals. I've had to explain it twice on other forums as well.

They had to throw stones because the British Army destroyed all their guns.

"Then we commiserate over that time we teamed up to kick the shit out of zee Germans."

As Jeremy will tell you, they had to throw rocks because the British Army took all their guns.

Now playing

Awesome. Now can you come to Austin and explain to everyone here how to behave at the new HAWK crosswalks that are springing up around here? Despite the fact that Austin drivers are some of the worst red light runners I've ever encountered, they seem to behave exactly opposite when presented with one of these things

Highland Park, where kids clothing stores also sell cotton wool and bubble wrap to keep the little darlings safe from the big bad world.

Judging by the way he just pulls his helmet off, I'd guess that wasn't fastened either.

Interesting. I've always thought that in such a situation, freaking the fuck out isn't going to help anyone, and remaining calm is the sensible thing to do. Of course, theory and practice are two different things, but it's good to see a whole plane load of people with the same philosophy.